Friday, November 15, 2013

Jumping back into the market on Friday, 11/15

Another whipsaw, this time back into the market.

I don't make the signals, I simply follow what the signals tell me to do:

Here we go:

C-Fund:  58%
S-Fund:  28%
I-Fund:  14%

This is an aggressive move.

The conservative approach only has a 4% addition to the F-Fund, so you can move the values above to add 4% as you see fit.

Here is the performance to date.

Here's the overall performance since 11/25/08:

Remember, you are responsible for your own decisions, and I am not.  Please do your diligence, and please take ownership of your actions.



Friday, November 8, 2013

Moving to Cash Effective 11/8/2013


Effective today, I'm transitioning to the G-Fund (100% Cash).  With last night's action I received confirmation that market internals are rapidly dropping support of the leading stocks and consequently, it's time to protect the foundation.

This signal has not been profitable, but the last rolling 12 months has been:

Of course, I don't know the final numbers on the existing signal because I won't get the closing numbers until tonight, but it appears that the C-Fund is up 2.7%, the S-Fund is down -1.7%, and the I-Fund is up 1.5% from our last entry.  We were heavily weighted into the I and S-funds, so net is probably a wash.

Place your orders by noon EDT today at and they'll be effective tonight.

